Piotr Skiba

Give me the source code, I will change the world.

About me

My name is Piotr Skiba.

I'm a Software Engineer - my main area of activity is Android, for which I create applications both as a hobby and professionally.

My programming adventure started in primary school, when I found making desktop applications in Visual Basic interesting. In August 2018 I finished Android Developer Nanodegree, a little over a year later I passed the Associate Android Developer certification, and since 2020 I have been working in this industry continuously.

You can check my Android apps in the Play Store. If you want to see the source code, it's available on my GitHub profile.

Associate Android Developer

At the end of November 2019, I took the Google Associate Android Developer exam, and soon after that I received information about meeting the requirements and receiving the certificate.

The certificate confirms the basic skills required from a programmer at the beginning of his professional career.

Udacity Certificate

In August 2018 I finished Android Developer Nanodegree, made by Udacity and Google.

The course includes creating responsive, cloud-connected applications for Android. It includes the use of external libraries, creating widgets, and implementing all kinds of media in the app. The course also provides knowledge about Gradle, Material Design guidelines, or publishing the app in the Play Store.

Certificate URL: click here.

Contact me

Would you like to find out more? Let me know - I will try to come back with the response as soon as possible!

E-mail address: contact@piotrskiba.pl